About Wedding Insurance and Avoiding Related Losses


Congratulations! You are engaged to be married!

After a couple decides to marry, there is a lot of exciting planning to do for a wedding.
From booking the hall to renting or buying proper wedding attire and hiring the services of vendors such as a caterer, a florist, a band, a photographer, a videographer and others, the event requires carefully thought-out preparations.

But as luck would have it, perceived results of wedding plans do not always fall into a no-fail outcome. Accidents and heart-dropping mishaps can – and often do – occur even at the biggest day of a new couple’s life together.

Fortunately, there is wedding insurance to cover any related upset.

Here are some important things a wedding insurance policy can cover.

Insurance Coverage for the Wedding Event

Liability: If the hall or equipment incurs damages that the wedding party is responsible or if a guest gets injured at the event, wedding liability insurance can pay for associated costs.

Cancellation or Postponement: If an unexpected event occurs, like extreme weather or illness, and the wedding has to be called off or postponed, this coverage will pay for the related expenses.

Vendor Failure: In the event the photographer or other wedding vendor does not show up or does not deliver goods at pledged date, this will give you coverage.

Wedding Gift Loss: This coverage extends to items presented as gifts to the bride and groom, but not for cash or gift certificates or cards.

Special Attire: If any of the special clothing worn by the wedding party is lost, stolen or damaged, this coverage will pay for replacement or repair.

Special Wedding Jewelry: If the ring or other special jewelry for the event is damaged, lost or stolen, this coverage will step in to pay for associated costs.

Loss of Wedding Related Deposits: in the event on of the hired wedding vendors goes out of business and does not deliver services or goods, this coverage will pay for deposit losses.
Liquor Liability: If the wedding party is liable for damages or injury due to intoxication at the event, this form of insurance will cover the costs.

Just as there is no person or couple that is alike, each wedding comes with its unique set of exposures. Speaking with an experienced independent agent about your related insurance needs will clarify the issues. Moreover, an independent agency offers policies from many different companies and the expertise of a professional shopping the insurance network for you to present tailored coverage at competitively lowest rates!

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