Breast Irregularities That Doctors Say Are Totally Normal
Staring at your bare chest in the mirror can be a recipe for personal critique and comparison, but any irregularities you may see in shape, size and symmetry may be very common. For some, having breasts that look a little bit “different” may even be a cause of stress and embarrassment. To the experts we talk to every day, these concerns are some of the reasons patients seek them out to enhance their breasts. Whether it be nipple position, breast sagging or having two different cup sizes, these doctors say it’s OK. Here, the common breast concerns women have that are totally, completely normal.
Two Different Sized Breasts
About one in four adult women have some degree of asymmetry of the breasts, but it’s not a topic that is widely discussed, even though it’s a common concern. “Most women have breast that are different sizes,” explains Louisville, KY plastic surgeon Chet Mays, MD. “It’s more common to see breast asymmetry than it is to see symmetrical breast. As breast develop there can be more development of glands and ducts on one side or the other causing an asymmetry during development. When women become pregnant or breast feed one breast may have more milk production than the other causing an asymmetry that can carry over to postpartum with more sagging of the larger breast.”
Dissimilar Nipple Position or Size
Tucson, AZ plastic surgeon Raman C. Mahabir, MD shares that something he sees a lot at his practice is nipples that are not in the same spot on both breasts. Another form of asymmetry, but as the doctor notes, it’s normal. “When I look at the breasts, I also look at the nipple position. Very commonly they are different from side to side, meaning one nipple sits higher and the other goes lower. Some are positioned more to the left or right than the other. Also, just like breasts, nipple size can be different by a little bit or by a lot.”
Inverted Nipples
Inverted nipples look how they sound. Instead of pointing outward, they appear to be flat or sunken in. “One nipple or both can be inverted, but a lot of times it’s just one,” notes Dr. Mahabir. “It bothers a lot of patients, but it’s an easy fix, and it’s a pretty common thing in fact. Interestingly, inverted nipples is genetics. So, if someone has one, it’s very likely that their mother or sister have one, too.”
Early Onset of Drooping Breasts
According to New York plastic surgeon Elie Levine, MD, breasts sagging is usually caused for two main reasons: pregnancy and gravity. However, there are younger patients who have not had children and are not experiencing aging changes who also experience breast ptosis. “Significant weight shifts during life also affect laxity in the breasts,” he says. “At a certain age, while going through puberty, it can become harder to control body weight. There may be a fluctuation and that could lead to an element of some kind of drooping as a result of that.”
“It probably comes down to genetics, but some people will develop saggy breasts early on in life, even when they haven’t had children,” adds Dr. Mahabir. “Some patients may want implants, but I don’t recommend that if the tissue is already stretched. You don’t want to stretch them even more. in this case, a breast lift would be best.”
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