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Tips on Getting a Mobile Game Published
The process of approaching publishers is not easy and it is time-consuming work that require a lot of preparation and persistence and it is full of opportunities to fail which can be because a product development person can prematurely conclude that the game submission is not a game that they like. It is vital for a game developer to consider the following facts: the game industry is all about relationship and people do business with people they know, more than 90{d2d40cb2338146b27da3fa9e236b97dbb6445147d1fbd8f73f19050a3e698236} of all game submissions get rejected, product development experts are swamped, there are many game submissions from many game developers for most publishers to keep track of. Some other things to remember is that developers sometimes burn publishers by missing milestones and shipping dates or products do not live up to the hype that they have generated and most games do not make money and some lose money for the publisher.
When seeking to publish a game the person has to have a good game submission to begin with by following some guidelines to make sure that the game is good but if the individual submits a game that is sub-standard then they not only set themselves up for disappointment but they also ruin their reputation that will make it hard for them to submit games in the future. The person gets one chance to make a good first impression and waiting for half a year to make a good game submission is better than getting in front of publishers with something that is sketchy and not credible.
It is good to state that the person should pick one game to submit and commit to making one game submission and many developers who have many ideas and who submit many games at once appear not to be committed to any of them. A high number of game publishers prefer to talk to a game developer to the game they are working one as opposed to the many game ideas that they have to execute if the publisher promises to fund them.
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The game developer has to protect their credibility because the minute they blow their credibility they have lost any long-term hopes of ever being taken seriously and it would not be wise for the developer to say that the game has the best graphics because it is ridiculous unless the developer has seen what the other developers are working on behind closed doors. Even if the designer is right the main aim of the designer is to be taken seriously and for that to happen they do not need to have the best game to get a fair evaluation for their game submission.Resources Tips for The Average Joe