Social Responsibility Practiced by Organic Companies
It seems as if more and more people understand the benefits of using organic products and are buying and living “green” today. Producing and wearing organic cotton clothing Is on the rise. “Green” living is supported by prominent people and organizations in the US and throughout the world. Examples include Al Gore (“An Inconvenient Truth”); green political parties in Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Finland, etc.; consumer organizations like Green People, Green America; and celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio and Ed Begley Jr..
Protecting the environment is an international concern. Driven by the power of the Internet and the world media, it’s not just about “green”, “organic” or the environment anymore. Today, it all connects with “fair trade”, “sweatshop free”, “positive or sustainable lifestyles” and “…positive political and social movement…”. Nonprofit organizations like Green America have even established screening and approval processes for green companies to assure consumers of “… social justice and environmental sustainability”.
However, despite the current green movement’s clamor for social justice and passion for a better quality of life, green is still rooted with typical consumers. Without their sincere concern and continuing commitment to keeping our environment healthy and clean, the new green ethical considerations would not have evolved. Consumers continue to buy a wide range of products that are available in eco-friendly alternatives including toys, food products, bedding and clothing.
The multi-billion dollar clothing industry is still one of the green pioneers. They have produced eco-fashion styles made from organic agriculture such as cotton, hemp, silk and bamboo. Many of these apparel companies have now connected social justice with protecting the environment. They are also committing to charitable giving and community involvement. Some apparel companies have actually translated the current rage for social justice and positive life styles into new components on their clothing. These special features on their brand of apparel reflect their company’s commitment to social justice and a better quality of life.
The Baltimore Sun, in its Sunday Supplement “Green: Your Lifestyle. Our World” (April 20, 2008), included a number of articles on companies producing green products. They understand all too well that their readership is looking for ways to become more socially responsible while maintaining a comfortable lifestyle. Consequently, buying apparel solely based on the fact that cotton, bamboo, hemp or silk fabrics are organically grown is simply not enough. Elimination of toxic pesticides and the use of natural fertilizers in organic farming is certainly essential and commendable. But the consumer needs to insure that the dyes used to create color or print on organic apparel are also non-toxic or eco-friendly. Although more expensive, many Green America Companies, go well beyond minimum requirements by using eco-friendly dyes, thus producing a safer and better organic product to protect you and planet Earth.